"Anthem" is a self-made project centered around a fictitious clothing company that embodies individuality and self-expression. The brand’s concept revolves around creating bold and timeless designs inspired by personal experiences and universal ideals that resonate with people from all walks of life.
Brothers In Arms
Hoodie Application 1
What makes this design unique is its implementation. Other than just having a logo design with just the word "Anthem", the idea was to be able to use the logo in a variety of ways for use on different apparel, as shown in the provided images.
Logo on Hat
This adaptable design seamlessly transitions across various styles, from modern minimalist aesthetics to vibrant and edgy streetwear influences. The project's modularity ensures it can be customized for diverse clothing lines
All About Cats
Hoodie Application 2
"Anthem" highlights the power of design to amplify a brand's voice and connect with audiences through timeless and flexible creativity.