VIKA — Brand Identity

Luccas Machado

Art Director
Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD

Information The contemporary world is fast-paced, life can feel relentless. Some of us wait only when we have to; in a waiting room, annoyed by the delay and how everything seems to be a total waste of time. Reflection is left aside, we don't have time to breathe and see what the true state of the world is. We don't even notice our own reality, let alone that of others. It is noticeable that well-being needs to be propagated and supported. We need to be reminded to keep calm and appreciate life and its beauties. In a mindful way, thinking of ourselves, our surroundings and others.

The Vika project was designed to create a waiting room ecosystem that could capture multiple realities of our world; connecting cultures and arts in different means and mediums. An easy way for art to be diluted and transformed into satisfaction, contrasted with the stressful pursuit of productivity at all times.

Objective Create an identity that resembles diversity and culture; that remains flashy and attractive, respectful of all stages. Waking up and resting. The dawn and the night. The old and the new. The newcomer and the one about to leave. Every stage must be respected; not everyone will be able to experience the project in its entirety.

Solution A flashy, contemporary brand identity; one that plays with elements of calm and agitation, static and visually dynamic. Based on contrasts and inspired by everyday urban life. A chaotic aesthetics complementing designs based on brutalist layouts and grids. The brand reflects the environments, in a caricatured way, where human beings in a hurry coexist. ↓↓


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