NFT artworks | Digital Illustration

Ritika Gupta

NFT Artist
Digital illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

About NFT and my journey with it

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated. NFTs can represent digital or real-world items like artwork and real estate. I started my NFT journey in 2021 and over the 2 years I engaged in various amazing projects and initiatives.

✱ Women of Cosmos 🌙✨

A collection of 1-1 unique beautiful, hand-drawn artworks celebrating the profound unknowns within us all.

Psychedelic chicks
Doodle chicks


✱ Roaring Apes Club 🦁🐵

About the project: Embark on a visionary venture with our project featuring 10,000 distinct and stylish creatures thriving on the Ethereum Blockchain. As avid enthusiasts of 2nd cycler NFTs, we were captivated by the allure of bayc and lazy lions, our initial NFT loves. This inspired us to forge a shared realm for both communities, aspiring to be integral members of these vibrant and dynamic collectives. My journey: I teamed up with Roaring Apes Club as their founding artist to craft unique traits for a 10,000 generative project. While the artwork is ready, unfortunately, the project faced delays due to some financial challenges within the company, preventing it from going live as initially planned.

✱ Lego Fan-art 🐵🧩

My NFT journey commenced as I delved into crafting fanart for prominent NFT projects such as the Bored Ape Club, Cryptopunks, and Lazy Lions. This artistic endeavor not only allowed me to express my creativity but also provided a gateway to connect with incredible individuals, ultimately carving out my own niche in this dynamic space through the collection I curated.

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