At the highest level, what problem did you solve, and who did you solve it for?
Goals/Requirements: Add some goals or requirements that helped get this project to the finish line.
• Goal or Requirement 1
• Goal or Requirement 2
• Goal or Requirement 3
Process 🛣
What steps did you take to solve this project’s problem? Share your ideas, what you discovered along the way, and what processes you took to arrivIn i=
In this project, I am the designer and the developer both. I completed my design process in Figma. Starting with create-react-app and gradually setting up react-router to redux
Results 🎁
Wrap up your project by highlighting your successes. If you’re able, highlight key metrics that were improved with the help of your project.
Add a quote from the client, independent, or any other relevant collaborators 🗣