Eduα Cloud 4+

Scuti JSC


Mobile Engineer

Eduα Cloud is a product designed for schools and is not available for individual customers.
To use the service, a dedicated account is required.
【Overview of Eduα Cloud】Eduα Cloud is a classroom support tool that enables "recording, managing, and sharing lessons." Whiteboards are essential for daily lessons. "Clear and easy-to-understand whiteboards" directly contribute to improving students' understanding.
What does "clear and easy-to-understand whiteboard" mean? It refers to a simple whiteboard that can be understood at a glance. When reviewed after the class, the content remains vividly recalled on the whiteboard. By recording, managing, and sharing such whiteboards through Eduα Cloud, children's comprehension and motivation are sure to improve, making learning more enjoyable!
◉ Timetable Management◉ Share timetables with students◉ Create "clear and easy-to-understand whiteboards" using digital tools.◉ Record not only digital whiteboards but also handwritten whiteboard contents by capturing them.◉ Students can also check digital whiteboards on their devices, enabling post-class review and individual learning, suitable for various learning scenarios, including home study.
◉ With Eduα Cloud, you can watch Eduα animations. These animations feature characters facing various problems in their daily lives and solving them to find answers, helping with arithmetic learning. The content provides detailed explanations for challenging topics. Learning content becomes ingrained in a student's mind, evoking their interest and curiosity in learning, similar to watching their favorite anime.
For more information about other features, please visit the product's webpage.
Japanese Below:
Eduα Cloudは、学校向けの製品です。個人のお客様はご利用頂けません。
【Eduα Cloud概要】
Eduα Cloudは「授業を記録・管理・共有する」授業支援ツールです。毎日の授業には板書が必要不可欠。「見やすく・わかりやすい板書」は、児童生徒の理解度UPに直結します。
「見やすく・わかりやすい板書」とは何か?それは、ひと目でわかるようなシンプルな板書です。授業後に見直したとき、授業内容が鮮明に思い出せる板書。そのような板書を、Eduα Cloudで記録・管理・共有することで、きっと子供たちの理解や意欲は向上し学習がもっと楽しくなるはずです!
◉Eduα Cloudで、Eduαアニメーションを視聴することができます。アニメに登場するキャラクターが日常生活の中から様々な問題に直面し、自らの問題解決によって答えを導き出していく内容の算数学習用アニメです。躓きやすい内容を丁寧に解説しています。好きなアニメを視聴する感覚で学習内容が身につき、学習に対する子供たちの興味・関心を喚起します。
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Posted Aug 4, 2023

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Mobile Engineer

Scuti JSC

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