Premium reusable water bottle.

Barnaby Ward

Industrial Designer
Design for Manufacture
3D Renderer
Rhino 3D

Project: Freelance

Disciplines: Industrial Design, Mechanical Design

Year: 2020

The objective of this project was to create a premium water bottle design that will be innovative and represent good value for money against established brands in the marketplace. The bottle was required to be aesthetically pleasing and have a high-quality feel to it.

My Role as a freelance Industrial Designer was to first explore materiality and understand the market and then provide a range of concepts suitable to the requirements and embrace the brands ‘design to delight’ ethos.

Early Ideation.

The ideation process started with a mood board and looking at existing shapes in the market and how to differentiate the product with new and innovative looks.

Each design looked at form language and different options for a user-operated sealing lid.

Mechanical Ideation.

Quick hand sketches allowed me to ideate mechanical lid designs and investigate feasible production methods at an early stage in the project.


Based on the existing ideation and ongoing communication six initial concepts were presented to the client for review.

A mood board was created to help convey CMF direction for the project and the concepts were efficiently 3d modeled and rendered to help convey materiality and textures.

Each concept provided an innovative lid solution leaving the options open to further mechanical development.

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