ScrantonAI - Getaway to city's information

Rohit Gupta


Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

AI Developer





ScrantonAI is the most recent project i have worked on with a client based out of scranton city in Pennsylvania.
ScrantonAI is an innovative web application designed to provide users with seamless access to the City of Scranton's public documents, official records, historical meeting minutes, and more. Whether you're a taxpayer, city employee, or just curious about the city's operations, ScrantonAI offers detailed, accurate, and relevant information through a conversational chatbot interface.

Key Features

Conversational Chatbot: Interact with the city's data using natural language queries.
Data Source Integration: Access a wide range of public documents, including city council minutes, municipal codes, budgets, and more.
User-Friendly Interface: Navigate through an intuitive and responsive design.
Real-Time Updates: Stay informed with the latest updates and changes to city documents.
Secure Authentication: Enhanced security with email verification and password reset functionalities.

Tech Stack


React: For building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
Next.js: For server-side rendering and static site generation.
Tailwind CSS: For styling and responsive design.
TypeScript: For type safety and better developer experience.


Node.js: For server-side logic.
Supabase: For authentication, database management, and real-time data handling.
OpenAI Assistants API: For natural language processing and chatbot functionalities.


Zod: For schema validation.
nanoid: For generating unique IDs.
clsx and tailwind-merge: For conditional class names and merging Tailwind CSS classes.

Codebase Highlights

Utility Functions: A comprehensive set of utility functions for URL handling, date formatting, and more. These are some of the functions which i have made in this application just to make the code more mudular and simplified.
export const getURL
export const toSiteURL
export function formatDateTime
export async function fetcher
export function formatDate
export const formatNumber
export const runAsyncFnWithoutBlocking
export const sleep
export const getStringFromBuffer
export const getMessageFromCode
export function getCurrentDateTime
Building reusable hooks
Reusable custom books
Reusable custom books

Live Demo

Check out the live application at
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Posted Aug 22, 2024

ScrantonAI is a cutting-edge web app offering seamless access to Scranton's public documents, official records, and historical meeting minutes on as a chatbot.






Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

AI Developer




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