Usually SMEs are having less customer care agents. Therefore, they always face the problems on providing service to customers and the queries for customer is also stacked on one another.
In customer care, an agent has to check the Complain/ ticket ID, historical data, user's mood, user's behaviour, many third party document, previous conversations and many more to solve a small issues.That increase the waiting time for customer.
All this sum up to one result, that bad customer experience.
We need a product using AI/ML , that filter out customer by solving their normal day to day problems from front line. Which reduce the load on customer care agent . and also personal assistant for each customer care agent to help them out for rest of difficult customers.
SmartAssist :
SmartAssist is Artificial Intelligence powered product, mainly target SMEs, who have less customer care agent to handle customers. They can redirect the user traffic with less effort and this AI is designed to be more humanly which gives a feel to an end user like "they are talking to a actual human on the other side". It's a user facing product.
Agent Assist :
AgentAssist is a Artificial Intelligence product, that helps customer care agents to deal with customers in run time by identifying problems and suggest solutions from historical data & past conversation, recognise the tone of the user and provide empathetically utterances and save time with response automation.