
Alice Shustova

Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer
Website for real estate transactions management, including members invitations, creation of templates and transactions, members' permissions and task management. The scope of work includes basic functionality, including auth, OAuth, Stripe Subscriptions, Role-based access control, workspace management, roles management within the workspace, and invitations.

Technology Stack

@mui/material: React component library that allows for quick and convenient development of stylish user interfaces.
next: React framework for building high-performance web applications.
react-hook-form: Library for working with forms in React using hooks.
@react-oauth/google: Library for implementing Google authentication in React applications.
@tanstack/react-query: Library for managing state and caching HTTP requests in React applications, allowing efficient data handling and server requests.
axios: Library for making HTTP requests in JavaScript, enabling convenient interaction with API servers.
Nest.js - enterprise-level Node.js framework
Prisma - Next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM
Sendgrid - service for email sending
Stripe - payment service
AWS S3 - file storage
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