How To Reclaim Your Self-Worth

Erika Taylor

Creative Writer
Blog Writer
SEO Writer
By Erika Taylor
When self-care becomes a part of your daily routine, you’re telling yourself:

"I am worth it, I deserve attention, I value my well-being"

In so doing, shifting your thoughts and mindset to ground yourself in self-worth, inviting a more meaningful life.
Why is cultivating your
self-worth valuable?
- You will be motivated to follow a lifestyle that prioritises your mind, body and spirit.
- When you're confident about who youare and you respect yourself, you won’t be pre-occupied with seeking external
- You will love and appreciate yourself making it easier to love and appreciate others and clearly understand how you want others to treat you.
- You will start enjoying your own company and spending time on self-care, self-reflection and your own aspirations.
- Your dreams and aspirations become a priority to you and you can talk freely about themto others without fearing judgment.
Here are 5 steps to get you started
on your self-worth journey:
Step 1: Become An Observer of Your Thoughts and Actions
Observe your thoughts and actions - do they cultivate self-worth? You can start by askingyourself some of these questions to shift towards cultivating your self-worth:
What do I love about myself?
What can I do everyday to begin practicing self-care?
What brings me joy?
What types of people and situations drain me? How can I create healthy boundariesin these relationships and situations?
Do I seek validation from others?
Do I often dwell on past mistakes and failures? What were the lessons learnt and have I forgiven myself?
Am I living an authentic life. What are my dreams and aspirations for my life?
Thinking about these questions and answering them, can bring you closer to discovering your self-worth. It is worthwhile to keep a journal to make notes as you progress toward building your self-worth.
Sometimes, mistakes may make you question your abilities and create inner conflict. As youwork towards discovering your self-worth acknowledge your failures as life's lessons andlearn to forgive yourself.
Work on your self-love by not being overcritical of yourself. Adopt a growth mindset whenyou experience set-backs. Accept that you can learn from your set-backs as you movetoward bigger and better opportunities.
Setting boundaries and learning to say no to family, friends or work colleagues requiresconcerted effort. This step is especially important if you are a 'people pleaser' to safeguardand restore your mental and physical health by prioritising your own emotions, time, energyand aspirations.
Make sure your circle consists of people who are supportive. You can support each other on this lifelong adventure, and it can be fun and relaxing to spend time with supportive peoplewho are part of your self-worth journey.
You know you have healthy self-worth when you no longer seek constant validation from theexternal world. External events and people don’t influence your thoughts and emotions asmuch as they would have in the past. When you are grounded in your self-worth you canmake better lifestyle choices, choose relationships that are best for you and live a life thatholds meaning for you. Practicing self-care is a vital part of improving your self-worth. When you prioritise yourself through self-care, it helps cultivate a stronger self-worth. Ultimately,practicing self-care daily isn’t selfish, but a crucial part of investing in your self-worth andnurturing your overall well-being.
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