Mock Fitness Blog: Consistency is Key!

Gage Parkin


Blog Writer

Whether you are new to the gym or just getting back into the swing of things, a lack of progress can be a huge deterrent for plenty of people. However, usually all it takes to jump that hurdle is CONSISTENCY!
It happens to the best of us. Life tends to get in the way whether that be from sickness, work, or just a busy schedule. Sometimes a workout leaves you a little too sore the next day and suddenly that day off becomes twenty.
This is where consistency comes in. By holding yourself accountable and maintaining a schedule that works for you, you will gain such benefits as:
An improvement in your mental health: An often overlooked part of taking care of your physical health is the benefits you see in your mental health. Symptoms of depression and anxiety can be controlled through regular activity. Your energy levels rise and your sleep quality goes with it!
Long-term healthy habits: An issue that many people have is reaching fitness goals only to end up back at square one in a few months. Consistently doing something will make it a habit and become an integral part of your day. Its these healthy habits that promote life long change.
MOMENTUM: Consistency helps you reach your goals faster and faster, giving you a sense of momentum. Its this momentum that will propel you forward to keep progressing.
Shattered goals: Consistency, more than anything else, is the key to achieving your fitness goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health and fitness, you need to be consistent with your efforts. This means sticking to a regular exercise routine and making healthy choices when it comes to nutrition.
That being said, becoming consistent with your routine and diet can be difficult. Here are some tips:
Celebrate your progress: A fitness journey should be fun! Making it fun is the only way that you can really stick to it and so don't be afraid to celebrate your journey!
Schedule your workouts: If you wait until you have free time to exercise, it's less likely to happen. Find a time in the day that works best for you and stick to it. Personally, I like to get it done right after I work to loosen up after a day of being stiff.
Find a workout buddy: Even if you don't make it to the gym everytime with them, having somebody who is also on the fitness journey can be a huge motivation. You can keep each other accountable and add some fun to your routine.
Set realistic goals: Be SMART about your goals! They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time oriented to really feel fulfilling. Sometimes, setting sub goals off of your main goal can be all you need to push yourself forward. Above all, be honest with your abilities!
Mix it up: Like I said above, its all about having fun with your journey. Shake things up every now and then so that it never feels stale.
Be flexible: This is the most important part about being consistent. Never beat yourself up over not being able to meet your normal schedule. Can't make it to the gym today? Try going for a walk after dinner. This way you still get to build that healthy habit and make it an integral part of your day.
In conclusion, consistency is the most important part in achieving your fitness goals. By being consistent with your efforts, you can build momentum, create healthy habits, improve your mental health, and reach your goals faster. Set realistic goals, schedule your workouts, find a workout buddy, mix it up, be flexible, and celebrate your progress along the way. With these tips, you can build up that consistency and soon enough, it will feel as natural as waking up in the morning! Good luck!
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Posted Mar 27, 2023

Here is a mock fitness blog to show how I write and think.






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