Seaweed Palmeras | Album Art

Tábitha Alfaro

Graphic Designer
Visual Artist
Adobe Photoshop
Google Drive

About the client

Seaweed Palmeras is a music duo established between Madrid and Punta Cana. They make music that expresses, as they say, “the twisted sounds inside their heads”.


For their first EP, Lagniappe, the group wanted a retro-style cover art inspired by the pop artist Andy Warhol. The cover art for this drew from the duo-chromatic tones similar to that of the artist’s style.
'Lagniappe' Album Cover
'Lagniappe' Album Cover
For the cover of their single Leo, we worked on creating a vintage style cover reminiscent of those found from the older rock scene.
'Leo' Album Cover
'Leo' Album Cover
Apart from the cover design, we also worked on the design of some social media posts, in order to promote the launch of these songs, alongside promotional art for the remastered version of their single, Tabaco Kiss.
'Tabaco Kiss (Remastered) Promotional Art
'Tabaco Kiss (Remastered) Promotional Art
'Tabaco Kiss (Remastered)' Promotional Art
'Tabaco Kiss (Remastered)' Promotional Art
'Lagniappe' Promotional Art
'Lagniappe' Promotional Art
'Lagniappe' Promotional Art
'Lagniappe' Promotional Art
'Leo' Promotional Art
'Leo' Promotional Art
You can listen to their music here & check out their instagram here.


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