Case study : Photographer

Indie Designer


Visual Designer

Web Designer

Web Developer



This person was a photographer and a veteran engineer working in highly technical scope in the industry and extensive experience working with large corporate organizations to the United Nations. 
He has travelled the globe through his engineering work and photographed various locations and settings. He has written various works on photography and is meticulous in his approach to photography, influenced by his background in engineering of power plants.
As he was actively writing articles on photography and part of the 500px community, he has been able to build a following over social media through the years. He did not have a central website that he could organize his following in a way in which would reaffirm his position as an experienced photographer. 
For any independent photographer, author, musicians, DJs etc having an official website is very important for the independent to able organize their communications and engagement with the communities in one medium 
Every node on the internet is just one part of the overall activity of the development of an independent’s work. It is still a node that amplifies things on the ground, and when you can worry less about details about how to best set this up,  you can focus best on producing your work and knowing where it all goes. 


Design principles have been around at the beginning of the industrial revolution, but their contribution to informatics and software is relatively recent. Developers have been around longer in the software scene. 
Despite this, a designer's contribution to the industry cannot be understated. I think part of the designer’s role beside the contribution of the artifact, whatever that could be, is to understand who will the “product” fit to. Actors use method acting to know their characters. Designers must know their clients in a way to understand how their goals are related to their experience. 
Centralization was the only issue that had to be addressed. After identifying the best approach for him and since there had not been a photofolio for him, I was able to start from scratch. I defined a style guide and designed screens for his new photofolio. Addressing maintenance was also factored in. 


By being able to compile his best work ranked by the 500px community for his photofolio. He is able to organize his work and his following building on his online presence and being able to better manage communications and interest from his following to any potential clients that may wish to feature his work. 
Photofolio - Miro Susta -
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Designing and developing a web presence for a veteran engineer and photographer






Visual Designer

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Indie Designer

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