Poster Design

Oyin Omole

Graphic Designer
Photo Retoucher
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop

In a world consumed by the ceaseless whirlwind of life's demands, the dire consequences of apathy often escape our notice. Our Graphic Design class challenged us to delve deep into the heart of contemporary social issues, seeking to create impactful visual narratives that would awaken society's consciousness. For me, the choice was clear - to shine a spotlight on the perilous danger of apathy, how it blinds us to the urgent needs of our planet, and the remarkable potential of small actions to bring about transformative change.

The focal point of my project was a single, profound question: How do we inspire individuals to break free from the shackles of indifference, to see beyond their immediate concerns, and to recognize the crumbling world before them? In a world where global crises loom ominously, I embarked on a creative journey to construct a compelling visual narrative, that catches one's attention.

My project centers on a powerful poster design that conveys the gravity of the situation with striking symbolism. At its core is a world in turmoil, a fragile globe in the process of disintegration. Yet, within this crumbling world, there are those who remain oblivious, too engrossed in their daily lives to perceive the monumental crisis unfolding before them. However, amidst this bleak landscape, a glimmer of hope persists. A select few individuals are depicted taking action, symbolized by acts like planting trees and nurturing the earth back to health.

The poster's perspective draws viewers into its heart-rending narrative, as we see a young boy standing resolutely before the Earth. This poignant portrayal underscores the significance of our responsibility to future generations, as it is they who will inherit the world we leave behind. By teaching our children to care for the Earth, we empower them to be stewards of change, sowing the seeds of hope in the midst of apathy's shadow.

I truly enjoyed working on this project as it is the first photo manipulation I've done. Any tips for improvement are greatly appreciated. At the end, I have included a video of me going through all my layers.

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