If we want to prevent the inevitable accumulation of waste on this planet, affirmations and how-to guides for sustainable shopping are not something that is going to help. We need guidelines that teach us how to change our habits and our view on sustainable living. Moreover, should those who promote sustainable living change their practices? Should all of their actions be driven and motivated by the Eco-friendly mindset? For example, if a minimalist blogger recommends a bamboo compostable soap dish, all of their readers will consider buying a new soap dish just because it seems more sustainable, but is it better to buy something new than to use what you already have? No matter the new thing is Eco-friendly or not. Or if we look at sustainable food bloggers, should they participate in the fetishization of exotic foods instead of using locally grown produce? Most likely sacrificing their outreach and growth through the process, since potato soup is not really a cool dish to talk about..