Talent Marketplace

Osman Melih Tolunay

Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer

Talent Marketplace

A global community of the most inspiring creative leaders and gifted talent providing impact-focused solutions for future-thinking organizations

Neol is web3 talent marketplace is a peer-to-peer platform that enables job seekers and employers to connect in a secure and trustless environment. This type of platform makes use of decentralized technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, and other distributed ledger technologies to enable secure and transparent transactions between job seekers and employers. It eliminates the need for a central governing body and intermediaries, making it a more cost-effective and efficient way to find talent. This type of marketplace provides a number of advantages, including better privacy protection, greater transparency, and improved trust and security.

What was my role?

  • Building decentralized platform by using Node.js
  • Creating blockchain Neol id platform
  • Designing and developing a backend for cohort members
  • Code review for team members
  • Creating UML-OOP diagram for talent marketplace

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