
Juan Iglesias

Backend Engineer
Blockchain Developer
Frontend Engineer


Electronic Health Records blockchain implemented using Hyperledger Fabric framework. (Computer Systems Engineering Final Year Project).

Instructions to execute

Check that you installed al the requirements of Hyperledger Fabric (https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.4/prereqs.html)
Download the fabric-samples (Version 1.4.0) and copy the bin folder into the project.
Install MongoDB (https://www.mongodb.com/)
Define a .env file in the backend folder with the constants MONGODB_URI (uri of mongodb), SECRET (String that will be used for the JWT generation) and PORT (To run the server. Must be the same port that the one defined in REACT_APP_API_URL at the start script of the frontend - File: package.json). For example: PORT=4000 MONGODB_URI=mongodb:// SECRET='my_secret'
Run the fabric network from the root directory with the command ./ehrNetwork.sh up
In /web-app/backend/ execute npm run dev to run the node.js server.
In /web-app execute npm start to run the reactJS application.
Run GET /admin/ in the backend to enroll admin
Run GET /admin/register/{username} to register any user
In the frontend enroll user with the secret code
Have fun!!
IMPORTANT: If you restart the server you need to cleanup the mongodb table of users.
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