Customizing what to track with an Article Scoped Program

Esther Ibom


Technical Writer

Task: Users requested a guide on how to use the Article Scoped Program feature to only track a particular set of articles.
Work Description: This is a concise step-by-step process to “Customize what to track with an Article Scoped Program’. The documentation briefly describes a scenario when a user would opt for an Article Scoped Program and explanations of the scoping method options. The video guide is situated right beside it in the layout, for a quick access to a more hands-on explanation of the process. The information can be accessed from the current page and the Dashboard’s FAQ page.
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This is a concise step-by-step process to “Customize what to track with an Article Scoped Program’.






Wikimedia Foundation


Technical Writer

Esther Ibom

Wordsmith. Data Alchemist. Interface Architect.

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Customizing what to track with an Article Scoped Program
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