How to promote a blog – 20 Ideas that work

Kingsford Akrugu


Content Writer

Blog Writer

SEO Writer

How to advertise/promote a blog is one of the most difficult tasks for every blogger.
It's simple to write articles on what you enjoy and care about, but it's far more difficult to get people (your audience) to care.
It's occurred to me many times when I've written a lengthy and valuable post only to realize that no one is interested.
That is why, in this post, I will teach you 20 strategies to promote your blog that I have nearly totally utilized myself so that after you have finished reading this article, you can begin drawing the audience your site deserves.

In 20 various approaches, I'll show you how to market your blog.

1. Come up with interesting titles

Creating captivating headlines is the easiest approach to attracting people to click on your blog posts (both on social media and in organic search results). To do so, just define the key advantage of your blog material using the appropriate phrases. Take the headline of this post, for example: "20 Ways to Promote Your Blog." Is it clear what the key advantage is? Yes.
This title implies that you will discover 20 strategies to market your blog if you read this post, which is crucial for every blogger or business. Do you use the proper terminology? Because it is made of concrete, yes. 20 Forms, if you read the title carefully. It's specific, detailed (as I previously stated), and intriguing to click on. Look for that perspective in your content, and you'll see an increase in visitors.

2. Use photos that are either unique or descriptive.

Articles benefit greatly from the addition of images. The better your blog is, the more engaging and unique it is. I use graphics to describe what I say in my blog entries wherever possible. In particular, in my lessons. Despite the fact that I don't use as many photographs as I'd like (I'm lazy, what am I going to do with it? ), it's critical to make the content as engaging and addictive as possible. That purpose is achieved via visuals.

3. Take credit for your work on Google+.

Google authorship is a fantastic strategy to publicize your site while also enhancing your own brand. As a result, authorship photographs tend to raise the click-through rate (CTR) of search results, allowing you to draw more organic visitors without having to improve site rankings. Here is a tutorial prepared by José Galán on how to claim your authorship, in which it is described in detail how to do so.
Note: Google decided to remove author photographs from search results shortly after I published this essay for the following reasons. The "authorship," on the other hand, is still in effect. As a result, it's clear that tying your G+ profile to your content still matters in terms of ranking.

4. Provide a link to other blogs.

It's critical to form connections with other bloggers. This is a theme I'll return to throughout this piece. Relationships are really important. Linking to other bloggers in your posts and letting them know you have done so is a terrific approach to creating relationships. The goal is for them to know who you are and nothing else. It's a different story if the blogger then promotes your post, praises you, or does something unexpected.

5. Make a list of influential people.

Influencers are persons who are well-known and respected in a certain field. Victor Martin, for example, is a major influencer in the world of social media, much as Tristán Elósegui is in the area of web analytics and online marketing. These individuals have thousands of followers on social media, indicating that they have a large following in the community. As a result, if one of these influencers shared your material on social media or on her website, you would receive free promotion. To do so, though, you must first understand who they are.
I doubt you're familiar with all of them. So, make an Excel list of all the influencers you know in your niche and add them to it. Then, when you uncover more influencers, start extending them.

6. Speak with these people who have a lot of clouts.

Contact and interview the influencers on your list who you believe is the greatest fit for your blog and your target audience. This is not difficult; you simply need to contact them via their email account in a courteous manner. After the interview is over, request that they share it with their followers and supporters. In any case, the aim is to build a good connection with this individual, not only to garner traffic from your following and admirers.

7. Leave comments on other people's blogs

Comments on blogs are vastly underappreciated. Most people think of it as a means to obtain links in order to boost their rankings. However, comments serve a variety of tasks that most people are unaware of, but which are critical for the promotion of your blog:
* Comments assist in the development of a relationship with the blogger in question.
* Comments assist you in being renowned in your community or expertise.
* The link profile of your site is made more natural by comments.
The most important thing is to always deliver value. If you're going to leave a comment, make sure it's something useful to the debate, rather than something as basic as "What a fantastic post!"

8. Contribute guest articles

Unless you're new to internet marketing, you're definitely familiar with the notion of guest posts. They are now the topic of conversation for everyone. This is partially due to the fact that guest pieces work, and partly due to the fact that it is a relatively simple approach to implement. A fantastic strategy for not just obtaining high-quality connections but also increasing your website's referral traffic (something that not many think). Obviously, quality papers should always be published. The quality should be better the higher the blog's authority (you don't want to make a big deal out of it, do you?).

9. Inviting others to join is a good idea.

This method is similar to the last one, but it works in the opposite direction: if you have connections or acquaintances who have their own blogs, encourage them to contribute to yours. The only stipulation is that your contact provides material that is relevant to your site and readership. You don't want someone (no matter how friendly) blogging about web marketing on your cuisine blog, do you? The more followers and admirers that individual has, the more likely your site will be promoted. Do you see why I'm stressing the value of relationships?

10. Encourage users to share more of your material by using "click to tweet."

Click To Tweet is a web application that allows you to persuade people to click on a link and share your information on Twitter.
The purpose of this strategy is to get your visitors to quickly share the most significant and relevant extracts from your blog entries. Once you've entered the application, all you have to do is type in your message and the link to the article in question, and you're done.

11. Make eye-catching infographics

Creating infographics is a terrific strategy to increase traffic to your site (also called infographics ). Although infographics have lost their usefulness in nations such as the United States and the United Kingdom (due to the extensive use that businesses have made of them), they continue to have an impact in this part of the globe. The advantages of using infographics on your site are twofold:
* On the one hand, individuals will share it on social media, assisting in its promotion via that medium.
* On the other hand, it's likely that your admirers may post it to their own blogs, assisting in the optimization of that page in search engines and allowing you to market your blog organically.
The sole stipulation for creating infographics is that they be of high quality. To do so, make sure you conduct thorough research beforehand. Also, get a competent designer to create the infographic. If you're going to do anything, do it correctly, as I always say.

12. Use social media to promote your blog's content.

A very clear issue for anybody familiar with the world of social networks: distribute your material on social media, and do it frequently without spamming. If you had recently written a post on your blog, for example, you would do the following:
* Try to share your item on Twitter more than once to ensure that your followers see it.
* Do it once on Facebook and then stop. Promote it using Facebook Ads if you want the effect to endure longer (something I recommend in special cases)
* Share it in professional groups related to your blog on Linkedin (only applicable on blogs with a professional profile)
* Do the same thing on Google Plus as you would on Facebook.

13. Increase your content's "virality"

The amount of times a piece of material is shared on social media is referred to as "virality." If an item on your site, for example, was tweeted more than 100 times and had more than 100 likes, it may be argued that the piece became viral (obviously, these numbers are totally random and subjective). Your blog's virality might help you obtain a lot of free visibility without putting in a lot of work. There are several approaches and procedures that may help a piece of content become viral, making it more of an art than a science. It's not simple to make a piece of material become viral, but here are a few of the most typical methods:
* Using titles that are memorable (Refer to #1)
* making use of humor
* Using controversy as a tool
* Using a startling or shocking element
Linkbaits, as I'll discuss in point #19, are one of the most virtualizable types of material.

14. Tweet in real-time

Today, Twitter is a hugely popular social media platform. It is used by everyone. However, Twitter is not as helpful as many people assume in terms of promoting your site. Why am I stating this? Because Twitter users' "feeds" are generally packed with tweets. It's difficult for your tweet to stand out from the crowd (unless you use interesting images, or you are a well-respected personality in this medium). That is unless you consistently put out high-quality, relevant tweets. One of the most important aspects of using Twitter to promote your blog is to do so. A buffer is a fantastic tool for launching tweets over time. This tool's use and configuration are both pretty basic, so I don't believe you'll have any issues. Start tweeting three or four times a day as soon as you can, always relevant to your audience.

15. Create a group on LinkedIn.

If your blog is geared toward professionals, Linkedin is a terrific approach to marketing it. On the one hand, you may simply distribute your content to various organizations within your profession's sector or specialization. However, creating a particular group is a preferable approach to do this work. This is a nice tutorial on how to accomplish it.

16. Create a Facebook page for your business.

Facebook pages (sometimes known as "fan pages") are an extremely effective way to promote a blog. The secret to properly using your Facebook page is to think of it as a separate website with only one guideline to follow: engage with your fans. Obviously, getting there is the tough part. However, if you utilize them effectively, you will be able to attract a large number of people who will not only read but also follow your site.
Also Read;

17. Include a link to your blog on your social media profiles.

Adding your site's URL to social media accounts is a simple technique to earn high-quality links. On Twitter, for example, I included my URL in two places: the description and the URL box (obviously). I did the same thing on Twitter and other social media platforms.
Repeat the process on as many social media platforms as possible, as long as it's relevant. Despite the fact that these links are "no-follow" (meaning they don't transmit "equity" or "power" to your site), they offer a naturalness to your link profile and make it easier to attract more traffic.

18. Hold competitions

Running competitions on social media is a terrific method to promote your blog and your company. There's only one thing you'll need: something to give away. In my situation, I once held a contest in which I gave away a comprehensive SEO audit and competitive analysis, as well as a simple audit and keyword search. You can give away a product, a service (like I did), or anything else you believe is worthwhile. Not only will you have a deeper understanding of your present followers and admirers, but you will also attract new ones.

19. Use linkbaits to get people to click on your links.

A linkbait is "all viral material developed in order to attract links from the web," according to the definition. When you publish helpful, interesting, and educational material, you achieve this. Linkbaits have the distinct virtue of being relatively easy to visualize (see form #15). Although they are not always 100 percent effective (as more and more bloggers and corporations are using linkbaits), they are a great approach to make an impression on your niche's audience.

20. Promote your blog in any way possible.

Finally, the most traditional and long-standing promotion approach. If you want to market your blog, tell everyone about it. That's all there is to it. These 20 suggestions are based on a single concept: promote your blog anywhere and wherever you can. Obviously, do it respectfully to avoid losing your spot. The guy who is always talking about himself is the one that no one likes. Please don't be that individual.

It's now your turn.

Wow, I'm sure you're exhausted with all of the knowledge you've just consumed. Isn't it true that there are several approaches to advertising your blog? I'm guessing you don't know where to begin. Many of these strategies are simple to use right now, while others may take some time. In any event, don't just sit there and do nothing. Now is the time to advertise your blog, therefore conduct the following exercise: I picked only three of the promotion strategies you just read and am putting them into practice right now. It's that simple. There are just three strategies. Apply them, and then let me know how it went in the comments. Good luck with your blog promotion!
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Posted Jul 27, 2023

how to promote a blog post on instagram, how to promote a blog post on linkedin, how to promote a blog for free






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Kingsford Akrugu

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