SEO Content-Product Copy: Optimize search results | Travel Agent
Hoa Nguyen
Content Writer
SEO Writer
Google Docs
About The Brand
AA Vietnam (Automobile Association Vietnam) is a member of FIA (Federation of International Automobile). Like the 240 FIA clubs in 144 other countries, AA Vietnam provides a broad range of services to the travel community. With experienced staff, AVV offer a wide variety of group tours, private and tailor-made holidays.
Project Detail
I helped the brand creating authentic and compelling blog posts that served 2 purposes: building evergreen content to attract and keep customers on site; crafting SEO-friendly content to increase search ranking. I received keywords or proposed keywords and topics to write. I also wrote product copy and homepage content.
12 quality blog posts
Copy for 42 tour packages
Increase search results and ranking on Google
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Posted Aug 27, 2023
12 quality blog posts - 42 product copy for travel packages and homepage for AA Vietnam Travel