Non-Fiction Ghostwriting: Free Is Bad

Chip Street

I worked for over 4 months with entrepreneur and online marketing expert John Marshall, as well as several researchers and illustrators, to help shepherd this book to reality. I met virtually with John every week, helping organize his thoughts, establish themes, structure the content, and turn it all into a published and printed reality.
We also distilled the full-length 350+ page book into a shorter 76-page “TL:DR” version for those readers who prefer a primer.
The result is a well-received history of the internet and digital marketing, and how they've evolved into an expectation for free stuff — at the expense of our privacy and security.
“Forgive this moment of pride, but I actually am proud of this. Chip Street, did I thank you enough for your wisdom and talent?”
-- John Marshall, Author, “Free Is Bad”
“The best history of the web that I’ve read…”
— Andreas Ramos, Professor, Author, Senior Fellow @ Silicon Valley Research Institute
“I put it in the same category as ‘The Social Dilemma‘ on Netflix. Highly recommended.”
— David Prinzing, CTO Zicasso
"This is one of the best tech books I’ve read in years.”
— Software Maniac
“I highly recommend it!”
— Vanessa Otero, CEO Ad Fontes Media
“Highly Recommended.”
— Tim Ash, Author: Unleash Your Primal Brain
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