A website template for the modern web. ⭐️ Star to support our w…

Erik Engi






A website template for the modern web. Powerful developer experience meets lightweight output.
Effortless Static Site Generation with Flexibility
Feeling overwhelmed by the static site generator landscape? Refo offers a refreshingly simple and customizable approach built entirely on Node.js.
Unlike Jekyll, Gatsby, Astro and others, we let you leverage the power of Node.js modules directly. This means you can generate any kind of website you can imagine, all with the flexibility of your favorite Node.js libraries and servers.
Key benefits:
Effortless Development: Edit your modules and see instant updates thanks to hot reloading.
Unmatched Flexibility: Import SVGs, utilize raw imports, and style your components with ease.
Data-Driven Content: Craft resumes, portfolios, or any data-driven website with ease.
Highly Customizable: No rigid folder structures, minify class names, or even swap out SolidJS for React – it's entirely up to you.
Go beyond the limitations of traditional static site generators. Embrace the power and flexibility of Refo for your next project!
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(Hot) Module Reloading using dynohot
JavaScript eXtensible markup language using
Styled components using Emotion
Image dimensions setting using image-size
HTML and inline CSS and JS minification using HTMLMinifier terser
(Java)Script minification using UglifyJS
Client side navigation
Link prefetching using Quicklink
Lazy loading using lazysizes
Markdown support for strings in JSON files with markdown-it
PDF generation using Puppeteer with chrome-finder


Edit your resume data in a JSON file.
View and publish your resume as a PDF, an HTML document and or as a page on a website.
Generate 1 or more PDFs supporting different formats like Letter and A4.

Getting Started

Initial steps

pnpm install

Start the server in development mode:

pnpm dev

Visit http://localhost/ to access the website.

Static site generation

Generate a static site:
pnpm static
Open the index.html within the static folder to access the website.

Main concept

generated file index/
/ • favicon
(Node.js module)) • favicon
• main
) → • main
• index
) • index
) firebase

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Simple page example source code

index.html.jsx (imported module):
import template from '#@SolidJS/template' import use from '#@style' const [{styled}, extract] = use() const Body = styled.body` font-weight: bold; ` export default <> {template(`<!DOCTYPE HTML>`)} <html lang="en"> {template(`<head>`)} <style>{extract()}</style> {template(`</head>`)} <Body> example content </Body> </html> </>
index.html (generated file):
<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang=en><head><style>.a{font-weight:700}</style></head><body class=a>example content</body></html>


You can deploy the static docs folder as it is.
You might want to change the prefixum in the following files according to the name of your project site repository: index/index/site/ main/
You can completely remove the prefixum in case you are publishing a user or an organization site.
Initial steps

pnpm deploy


It can be useful to separate the resume template and publish it as a new Refo package.


This example uses Refo's JSON handler. So you can control how and whether certain properties are displayed from the index/index/site/index/resume/data.js file as described in Refo's readme at the JSON handler Usage section.


This project uses superstatic to serve the generated static files. You can use any similar library to serve the files or no library at all in case you would like to browse the files directly. This can be useful for offline documentations for example.
You can remove superstatic and use firebase-tools instead (which uses superstatic) if you prefer. In this case, you can modify the scripts in the package.json file and replace superstatic with firebase serve commands.
This project uses concurrently to run Refo in watch mode and serve the files with superstatic. You can use any similar library like npm-run-all to run Refo and a server in parallel or no library at all if you don't need a file server.
The firebase.json file could be named as superstatic.json if you prefer. This template does not depend on Firebase itself. However, they provide one of if not the consistently fastest static hosting solution.


JavaScript template literals are used for templating HTML documents.
This example also uses common-tags in certain templates which allows using a shorter syntax in many cases.
Here are some scenarios commonly used in this example:
By default you can display an optional value and use a conditional operator to prevent displaying false values like undefined for example:
module.exports = ` ${item ? item : ''} `
Common-tags does this for you. So you can use a shorter syntax with a tagged template literal:
const {html} = require('common-tags') module.exports = html` ${item} `
By default you can display an optional template part and use a conditional operator to prevent displaying false values like undefined for example:
module.exports = ` ${item ? ` <div> ` + item + ` </div> ` : ''} `
With common-tags you can use a simple condition with a logical operator to achive the same:
const {html} = require('common-tags') module.exports = html` ${item && ` <div> ` + item + ` </div> `} `
By default you can join the result when looping through an array of items to prevent displaying commas between the returned items:
module.exports = `<section> ${items.map(item => ` <div> ${item} </div> `).join('')} </section>`
Common-tags does this for you. So you can use a shorter syntax:
const {html} = require('common-tags') module.exports = html`<section> ${items.map(item => ` <div> ${item} </div> `)} </section>`
When you are not using a tagged template literal with common-tags or with a similar library, then you can concatenate template parts with the + operator if you prefer:
module.exports = ` <div> ` + item + ` </div> `
Or you can use a placeholder with the ${expression} syntax instead:
module.exports = ` <div> ${item} </div> `
In some cases, one of these can be easier to read than the other so you may use the style according to the context or you can choose one over the other and stay consistent. This example uses both.

Syntax highlighting

Some code editors like Atom and GitHub, for example, highlights html tagged template literals as HTML as you can see this above as well.

Sublime Text

Go to Preferencies / Package Settings / JS Custom / Settings.
Edit the JS Custom.sublime-settings — User file: { "configurations": { "jsx": true , "custom_templates": { "styled_components": true , "lookaheads": { "\\<": "scope:text.html.basic" , "\\.|height|padding|margin": "scope:source.js.css" , "import|minify|await|export|if|window|\\(|,": "scope:source.js" } , "tags": { "injectGlobal": "scope:source.js.css" , "css": "scope:source.js.css" , "html": "scope:text.html.basic" } } } }
Now you can use the JS Custom - Default syntax highlight option for JavaScript files.


JSON handler

The JSON handler is a standalone package. It is mainly useful to handle resume related data, but you can use it for anything else too.
You can use it as you can see in the example (asset/resume/getHandledJson.js) as well:
const handleJSON = require('refo-handle-json') var json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(require('./data'))) json = handleJSON(json)
It is recommended to create a copy of the required JSON using the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json)) functions for example when you are using Refo in watch mode (related comment), because the JSON hander is changing object properties.
The JSON handler is parsing string object values as Markdown using markdown-it. Example: example/asset/resume/data.json#L7
Properties which are ending with -private are removed. Example: example/asset/resume/data.json#L4 Objects which have a property named private are removed too.
Properties which are ending with -full are only included when a second true value parameter is passed to the handler function. Example: example/asset/resume/data.json#L8, example/asset/resume/getHandledJson.js#L9 Objects which have a property named full are only included when a second true value parameter is passed to the handler function.


When an object contains a startDate property without an endDate property then a hidePresent property can be used to hide a present label and show the current year instead. A hideEndDate property can be used to hide the current year shown instead of a present label.
A hideDuration property can be used to hide the calculated duration. Otherwise, a duration property is defined with the calculated duration (examples: 7 months, 1 year, 1.5 years, 2 years).


It can be useful to create in-depth documentation about each Refo package.

Who is using Refo

Oengi.com – Erik Engi's website and resume.
Propose file change to add your project here.



About the name

Resume + portfolio = Refo
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Posted Mar 24, 2024

A website template for the modern web. ⭐️ Star to support our work! - kireerik/refo









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