Hoff’s interpretation of Cottleston Pie, one of Pooh’s favourite songs, serves as important insight into Taoism. The Cottleston Pie principle teaches us that “all living creatures ought to live in a state of harmony with the universe, and the energy found in it” (National Geographic Society). Hoff exclaims that this principle is all about respecting inner nature, accepting that “things are as they are” (Hoff 40), and recognizing that “everything has its own place and function” (Hoff 41). This principle is a core concept in Taoism and a potent lesson throughout Milne’s work. For example, Tigger, who conceitedly claims that “tiggers can do everything” (Milne qtd. in Hoff 44), often faces extreme consequences because he ignores his inner nature. On the other hand, Pooh, who exemplifies the Cottleston Pie principle by respecting his inner nature, is always at peace.