Logo animation

Andrii Pidpletko


Graphic Designer

Logo Designer

Motion Designer

Adobe After Effects

🔎 Introduction

This section provides general information about the project and the client. The name of the company, its industry, the purpose of the project, and any special requirements or expectations of the client.
Daydream — we offer a variety of affordable destinations. We can offer exclusive hotel deals thanks to our easy-to-use app. Our target audience is couples. We want to convey a sense of victory while being gentle.
Swift company that inspires new ways of communication by combining artificial intelligence with a cute mascot. Our core product is an app that you can use wherever you are, and that embodies years of scientific discovery. Our target audience is couples. We want to convey a sense of comfort while remaining professional.
Reseller we are a retail store for gamers located in the center of Tokyo. We offer gaming accessories and also rent them out. Our target audience is young people (14-30). We want to convey a sense of enjoyment and recreation.
Wildflower we offer a variety of local destinations. We can offer the lowest prices due to our agreements with local companies. Our target audience is people with a limited budget. We want to convey a sense of mystery while remaining friendly.
Green Ruffle we offer extravagant jewelry. We can find the most exquisite items in our store. Our target audience is men. We want to convey a sense of status and extravagance.
Radar a company that produces and distributes web shows. They stand out because they are cheap and available in online stores. Our target audience is college students. We want to convey a sense of glamour, but at the same time be relaxed.


Develop logos and animate them according to the data provided by the companies.
Design should be done in Adobe Illustrator.
Animation should be done in Adobe After Effects.

Progress of work

Gathering information. I start by collecting information about the company, its target audience, values, mission, and competitive circumstances.
Competitor analysis. I analyze the logos of competitors to ensure uniqueness and distinguish the company from others.
Idea generation. Based on the collected information, I create logo concepts, including color, shape, font, and symbols.
Examples of logo ideas:


Chose the main logos that were more appropriate and had the best animation ideas for them.
Daydream — a cloud with the sun at the back of it. We used this particular animation and logo because it combines a sense of tenderness and victory. Just as the customer wanted. Victory is the sun coming out from behind a cloud. Tenderness is the cloud.
Swift — a cube with a star in the middle. We used a quick and simple animation through a mask. We wanted the logo to show simplicity and professionalism. The mascot is made in the form of a cube with a small star in the middle.
Reseller — type of loading screen in a popular game. We used liquid animation to show the logo and company name appearing. Liquid animation shows that the company is flexible and can withstand even a tsunami. The pleasure is conveyed by the fact that everything flows like honey.
Wildflower - the appearance of a wild flower. The animation is made in such a way as to indicate to customers that the company is reliable and simple. That is, no difficulties will arise with it.
Green Ruffle - the look of an Egyptian cross. We chose a font that would convey the status of the company and its product. The animation is simple, with everything starting to appear from different ends towards the middle. The Egyptian cross gives the status of extravagance and status, and how the Pharaohs used them in history.
Radar — a circle with a radar inside it. The animation is done in the style of motion graphics, fast moving objects are circles and stripes. The font of the text was used so that would be just readable and the emphasis went on the logo, not on the text.

Logo animation

Green Ruffle
These are the final versions of the logo animations after editing and corrections.
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Posted Oct 13, 2023

The procedure and principle of logo design and animation are developed and described.






Graphic Designer

Logo Designer

Motion Designer

Adobe After Effects

Andrii Pidpletko

Graphic design

Social media
Social media
Landing page | Головна сторінка
Landing page | Головна сторінка
Magazine design | Дизайн журналу
Magazine design | Дизайн журналу
Product presentation | Презентація Продукту
Product presentation | Презентація Продукту