Inner Drive Documentary

Charity Kuria

Video Editor
Video Producer
Video Post-Production
DaVinci Resolve
Watch on YouTube
In the world’s coldest city, a new ride-hailing app launches. Their dream? To challenge the very idea of social injustice. Years later, the journey to a fair deal for everyone would spread across the globe, competing with market leaders and opening up new horizons for hundreds of thousands of people. Underdogs might not rule the world, but it can change it. Forever.

Editing Process

The documentary was filmed across 10 countries, and I was tasked with editing Obadiah's story from Nigeria. Throughout the 1.5-month process, we collaborated remotely with the client, exchanging drafts and feedback. Once my segment was completed, I delivered it to the client for integration with the other stories produced in different countries.


Offline and Online Edit (Full Documentary, Teaser, Trailer, Hero Best Of selects.)
Story Edit
Music selection and sound effects


Full Documentary (4K)
Hero best bites
Davinci Resolve timeline and all assets on the final draft, for story merging.

Link to the Website

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