Ordnance Survey: Number 1 in iTunes category

Chris McCormack

Product Strategist
Ordnance Survey

Chris is one of those people that really gets mobile, totally committed to delivering value to the customer. He was able to navigate the complexities of a large organisation while keeping the focus on agility and delivery. Thanks Chris! - Peter ter Haar, Product Director, Ordnance Survey


Ordnance Survey produces maps for the b2b and b2g market. It had little experience with consumer products but wanted to make a start in mobile, as it was falling behind its competitors. It also wanted to increase revenue.

The Work

UX and product management for a consumer focused mobile application. Marketing plan and launch.

The Result

The first mobile apps – b2c services - were launched within three months of the project start. Apps were named as Telegraph’s must have top 500 apps. Apps became top grossing in their iTunes category and were ranked at number 1. Over the course of the next 12 months we scaled the product further and increased revenue substantially.
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