As an aspiring Product Manager, I decided to enrol in a UX design Bootcamp to equip myself with the relevant skillset needed as a PM.
The Bootcamp began with user research, detailing several research methods to gather user insights. I went with a informal qualitative approach by simply chatting with people. The people I spoke to were picked at random, some were coursemates, and others were friends.
While I agree that there can be more planning involved in user research, I did not feel the need to implement a heavy research process. I wanted to capture the candid thoughts of average investors and gather their first impressions. Questions I asked:
User Insights.
I found that investors looking to purchase crypto need to be assimilated with multiple exchanges, as certain tokens might be listed on a particular exchange but not others. This is can be confusing for even several seasoned investors.
On top of that, investors may prefer storing their cryptocurrencies in non-custodian wallets, which only support specific networks/chains.
Having accounts in various crypto exchanges & wallets becomes frustrating when it comes to knowing where your money is, tracking profit and losses for your accounts, and what you can do to potentially increase your investments.
How Might We?
The insights I got had me thinking. How might we create a Multi-Chain Cryptocurrency Wallet app that would allow users to store their crypto investments in one single account, regardless of the network/chain their cryptocurrency is on.
Users should also be able to make trades & purchase their desired cryptocurrency on the app to facilitate a hassle-free experience and also track their investment strength in the app itself.
Key Takeaways
Clear prioritisation techniques - Defining what are the essential features is important to address the needs first before adding on the good to haves and wants.
Seeking consistent feedback - Being able to get actionable feedback from users will enable UX designers to address needs & pain points more accurately.
Don't be attached to a design/solution - Having a great design or solution doesn't help if it does not solve the user's pain points. Be ready to pivot existing ideas you have to solve what users actually want.
UX Prototyping Tools - This project is my first foray into UX officially, and exploring tools such as Miro, Figma, and Invision. These tools will be useful in embarking on my journey in UX design.
The contents of the Case Study are as listed:
User Research & User Insights
User Persona
User Problem
How Might We statement
MoScoW prioritisation of key features
User Flow
Design & Iterations [Low-Fi, Mid-Fi, High-Fi]
Key Takeaways
You may also view the Wireframes & Prototypes here:
Capstone Project for 5 weeks UX Design Bootcamp by Vertical Institute, funded by Institute of Banking and Finance Singapore.
Project Topic: Cryptocurrency