Automation App and Tkinter Interface

Omar Boumahdi


Systems Engineer


The main Interface

I created this app to automate the creation of two files, and then load the Txt file filled with data extracted from the Excel file into the Raspberry Pi for further use, here are the two files:
A modified Excel file based on a source Excel that the user inserts in the app.
A txt file that holds all the necessary data for the upcoming interface I will share at the end.

The SSH connection automation and loading of data

Once you create the file you choose which structure is the destination, and then the Txt file is sent to the Raspberry Pi with SSH protocol, the whole process is automated.
Next, we have the Interface that will be in the Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi Interface:

On the Raspberry Pi, the Txt file is read automatically, and data is displayed after the scan.
Further functions like automatic generation of logs are added and also a database is used (sqlite3) to store relevant information
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Posted May 20, 2024

Tkinter Interface to automate the creation of excel and Txt files, the use of Tkinter for the interface and python libraries for the automation and connectivity






Systems Engineer


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