Staffinc Work is HRIS Apps for blue chollar worker. There are many features for worker.
Staffinc Work has some feature for doing attendance. Attendance by location (geofence), attendance by PIN, attendance by scanning QRCode
Worker are able to submit overtime directly from app.
Leave Request
Worker are able to submit leave request. Annual leave, leave sick, national holiday and many more according their company policy
Worker possible to view their payslip directly from apps and download to pdf format.
Live Chat
Worker possible to contact customer service by realtime from Live Chat feature
In this project Anang got responsibility to develop and build Android platform from scratch. Anang also has responsiblity to enhance the quality and update the feature of the application to keep relevant with business requirement.
For this project Anang and team using agile metodology to develop the system. Because it was a new concept so there are many changes happened in development process. Agile will match with this requirement. In a big picture what Anang doing are:
Pra-production meeting before development process,
Develop Android Application based on user requirement and design,
Collaboration with team on developed application
Manual Testing and Fix failed case before deployment
Troubleshoot and debugged to optimize performance
The Challenge in this project is the changes happened too fast. Sometime what has been deployed last week should change because user doesn't need it. With that pace is too hard to make changes especially when the product has idea to implement new sdk from 3rd party. So I need to work fast and doing research to keep delivery app on tracking
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Posted Oct 24, 2024
Staffinc Work is HRIS Apps for blue chollar worker. There are many features for worker.