Smart CCTV using Facial Recognition through Deep Learning

Luis Daniel Pambid

ML Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
AI Application Developer

The project consists of a 720p camera connected to a Raspberry Pi model 3B located at the entrance of a certain location. It is created with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to show the real-time recording of the camera. It has a feature that indicates when the last (wanted) person was seen in the location of the camera it captures the face, and records a video for a short period of time (9-10 seconds). At the same time it will create logs on a notepad, that indicates who is detected along with the time and date that he/she was last seen, as well as the location. Frontal Face Haar Cascade Algorithm is used for the face detection while deep learning algorithms: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used to recognize the face.

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