API Integration of PT SGN and PTPN XII (OSS Planters) Sugarcane

Andrianto Putro

Backend Engineer

Problem & Solutions :

Problem Description: PTPN XII (Perusahaan Perkebunan Nusantara XII) is facing a significant challenge in obtaining real-time weighing data. The weighing equipment is located at PT SGN (Sumber Gula Nusantara), and the data from these weighing devices needs to be quickly and accurately accessed by PTPN XII to enhance logistics processes. The following problems have emerged:

  1. Problem :
    1. Data Delays: The unavailability of real-time weighing data has led to delays in decision-making regarding shipments and product distribution.
    2. Information Discrepancy: Information gaps between PT SGN and PTPN XII can result in imperfections in operational planning and coordination.
    3. Potential Human Errors: With manual data retrieval, there exists the potential for human errors in recording and processing weighing data.
  2. Solution :
    1. Custom API Development: Develop a specialized API capable of integrating the weighing system at PT SGN with the PTPN XII system. This API should provide real-time weighing data.
    2. Real-time Monitoring: The API should be equipped with real-time monitoring features to ensure availability and optimal performance. As weighing data is input into the PT SGN system, the API should automatically transmit this data to the PTPN XII system.
    3. Data Security: Ensure that data transmitted via the API is properly encrypted and well-protected. Access to this data should be restricted to authorized parties only.
    4. Error Management: Implement effective error management to handle situations where the API may encounter disruptions or failures. Ensure that critical weighing data is not lost.

Job Descriptions :

In this project I was assigned to design, develop, and maintain API to support data integration using API between PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII and PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara.

Key Responsibilities :

  • Database Design (ERD)
  • API Architectural Design and Planning
  • API Development and Implementation
  • Data Integration
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Security and Authetication
  • Documentation and Maintenance
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Continous Learning and Development

Technologies Used :

  • Programming Language : PHP
  • Framework : Laravel
  • Database : MySQL
  • Security : Bearer Token

Result :

After successfully integrating the API between PTPN XII and PT SGN for real-time weighing data, here are some of the positive results that have been achieved:

  1. Real-time Weighing Data Provision: The API integration has enabled PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (PTPN XII) to access weighing data from PT Sumber Gula Nusantara (PT SGN) instantly and in real-time. This has eliminated delays in getting critical information on the weight and quantity of products to be shipped.
  2. Improved Operational Efficiency: With weighing data available in real-time, PTPN XII has been able to plan and manage product delivery and distribution more efficiently. Decisions can be made quickly based on up-to-date data, reducing the possibility of errors and imperfections in the logistics process.
  3. Improved Data Accuracy: API integration ensures the accuracy of weighing data as the data is captured directly from the weighing devices at PT SGN. This reduces the risk of human error in data recording and processing.
  4. Real-time Monitoring and Reporting: This integration allows PTPN XII to monitor weighing data in real-time. This is not only useful for better decision-making but also for detecting potential problems or anomalies that require immediate action.
  5. Time and Cost Savings: With fast and accurate access to weighing data, PTPN XII has been able to avoid delays that could result in additional costs. More timely decisions also save time and resources.

Screenshot :

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