Full-Stack Web/Mobile app Developer with 11+ Years of Experience

Praveen Jha

Mobile Engineer
AI Application Developer
Web Developer
Big Sky Technologies
North Results

I am a Full-Stack Lead/Architect Software Engineer with over 11+ years of experience in software development and an IT consultant for various industries including Healthcare, Construction, Manufacturing, E-commerce, HR (Human Resources), HFA (Health Funding Account), and FSA (Flexible Spending Account).

Here's what makes me stand out:

✅ Top Rated Freelancer

🌟 High Profile Clients

🏆 Expert in SEO and Keyword Research

💡 Specialized in High Load ERP/CRM Systems

I completed my undergrad in computer information science and have been professionally programming for the last 11+ years. I have a proven track record of being the best problem solver at my workplace and always stay updated with new technologies to provide high-quality and 100% satisfactory services. In fact, I offer a 100% money refund if you're not satisfied.As a seasoned freelancer, I focus on delivering value and earning trust through:

✅ Client Reviews and Feedback

✅ Over-Delivering

✅ Kindness and Respect

✅ Responsiveness

✅ Resilience in finding solutions to any issue

My skills cover a wide spectrum:

✅ Microsoft ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core, PHP, WordPress

✅ Telerik UI components Devcraft, CMS Sitefinity

✅ Languages: C#, C++, Javascript, Visual Basic, Java, Python, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, T-SQL, XML/XSL

✅ Power BI, BLE, GPT

✅ Shopping cart development: Magento, Shopify, Woocommerce, Open cart, Nopcommerce

✅ Business Intelligence: SSAS, SSIS, SSRS

✅ Web full-stack: WebForms/MVC/WebApi 2, JavaScript/JQuery/Bootstrap, DHTML/CSS/AJAX

✅ Presentation Technologies: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ASP.NET MVC, Spring MVC, Silverlight, MVVM

✅ Cloud Technologies: Microsoft Azure, AWS, Amazon EC2, DigitalOcean, PaaS, IaaS, Google Cloud

✅ Mobile Development: Android, Xamarin, Adobe PhoneGap, Ionic, Swift, Java, Flutter, Node.js

✅ Databases: MS SQL, MySQL, T-SQL, Oracle, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora, Azure SQL

✅ Data Access (ORM): Entity Framework, LINQ, ADO.NET

✅ Third-Party Libraries: KnockoutJS, AngularJS, Telerik Kendo UI, Redux Js

✅Skills: -Kotlin, Ionic, Flutter, ReactNative, Swift, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails

- RxJava, Kotlin Coroutines

- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

- Apple X-Code, Code Runner, RXSwift, Fabric, PhoneGap, Xamarin

- Android JetPack: AndroidX, LiveData, CameraX, WorkManager, View Binding, KTX, etc.

- Dagger, Koin for dependency injection

- MVP, MVVM, and MVI as architecture approaches

- Retrofit, OkHttp

- Google Firebase: Realtime Database, Firestore, Crashlytics, Analytics, App Distribution, etc.

- Android Room, SQLite for data storing

- Git flow- Gradle build system

- Geolocation (GPS, cellular data, Wi-Fi)

- Bluetooth


- Material Guidelines, UI / UX, custom UI items implementation

- CI / CD- Facebook APIs, Google Maps, Google AdMob APIs

- branch.io for deep linking

- UXCam analytics

✅Tools and Technologies:

Android SDK, Ionic SDK, Android Studio, NetBeans, Eclipse, Angular, IntelliJ IDE, Jenkins.

🌟 Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, RUP, XP, MSF, OOD, CBD, MDD, DSM, TDD, BDD

🌟 UI Testing Frameworks: Selenium WebDriver, Visual Studio Coded UI Test

🌟 Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Buildbot, TeamCity, Travis CIIf you're seeking a freelancer who:

🌟 Understands your product

🌟 Has exceptional qualifications for delivery capacity

🌟 Communicates effectively throughout the development lifecycle

🌟 Makes your product a priorityYou're at the right place!

😊Every friend you've made was once a stranger until you said "Hi! 👋 ". I'm looking forward to building a successful and rewarding relationship with you.

Let's talk! 😊👍

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