Jake Ryan

Lærke Rose Møllegaard


Art Director




in Wes Anderson’s
latest film
Asteroid City
Nineteen-year-old Jake Ryan stars as Woodrow Steenbeck in Wes Anderson’s highly-anticipated film, Asteroid City. This is Ryan’s third project with the eclectic director, having previously acted in Anderson’s Isle of Dogs (2018) and Moonrise Kingdom (2012). He can also be seen in Eighth Grade (2018) and TBS’s Chad.
Ryan steps into his biggest role with Anderson yet, as a teenage genius attending a Junior Stargazer/Space Cadet convention in the rural desert of Asteroid City, accompanied by his father Augie (Jason Schwartzman) and his three nearly-identical younger sisters. In the midst of juggling his mother’s recent passing, awkwardly mingling with his fellow Stargazers/Space-Cadets, and being awarded for his high-tech invention, Woodrow and the other attendees’ lives are completely shaken up after witnessing an out-of-this-world phenomenon.
Green fleece jacket & grey track pants:
, Blue T-shirt: Stylist’s own vintage, Yellow socks:
Green fleece jacket & grey track pants:
, Blue T-shirt: Stylist’s own vintage, Yellow socks:
Have you ever had any extraterrestrial experiences, and if not, do you believe in aliens?
I know that scientists have discovered water on Mars, and with water comes the microbes that live and thrive in it. In terms of more traditional visitors, I think it would be arrogant, (and maybe a little sad) to assume that we’re completely alone in the universe. So, yeah, I choose to believe in aliens.
Red shirt and teal pants:
, Black cowboy boots: Stylist’s own vintage
How did your experience working on Asteroid City differ from your previous experiences working with Wes Anderson on Moonrise Kingdom and Isle of Dogs?
I was very young when I was in Moonrise Kingdom. I understood that I was there to work, but I don’t think I understood the complexities of the business and what it really means to be an actor. So I’d like to think I’ve matured in that sense. Playing Woodrow in this movie gave me an opportunity to really prove myself in that regard.
What was it like having to adjust your speech and body-language to fit the mold of Wes Anderson’s signature characterization? Was it ever difficult?
I remember during the last callback for the role, Wes gave me all of Woodrow’s lines in the movie. He asked me to say them all, as Woodrow, keeping the quick pace that you would find in one of his films, all without a reader. It takes a second to get used to, but it definitely got easier when we got closer to shooting.
Multi-knit top: Kenzo, Orange shorts: Bode, Green tie-dye socks: Stylist’s own, Shoes: Clark’s x Aries
Purple sweater & purple jersey pants:
, Socks:
, Green sneakers:
Although Woodrow is such a complex and interesting character, were there any parts of him that you could relate to?
Absolutely! I think as an actor it’s a necessity to find something to latch on to when you’re playing a character. Woodrow would like to leave something behind to immortalize himself, be it an invention or a scientific theory. For me, I think it would be the movies that I work on.
Red shirt and teal pants:
, Black cowboy boots: Stylist’s own vintage
Red shirt and teal pants:
, Black cowboy boots: Stylist’s own vintage
What was it like working with Jason Schwartzman again, this time as his son?
I met Jason once for half a day when I was very young. We shot a short film add-on to Moonrise Kingdom, but I don’t really remember the experience. But, I do know that he’s amazing! Wes, Jason, and I had set up Zoom calls pretty much bi-weekly, just rehearsing, getting into the character relationships, and talking about life. The dedication he put into getting both Augie and Jones Hall just right was nothing short of inspiring. Watching him set up the character in those calls, to performing alongside him, to seeing him in the final cut was such a fantastic experience. He’s probably one of my favorite actors that I have ever worked with.
Multi-knit top:
, Orange shorts:
, Green tie-dye socks: Stylist’s own, Shoes:
Did you ever dream of inventing something when you were younger? If so, what was it?
When I was very young, I would draw out these folded paper smartphones that you could unfold, and it would turn into this laptop or a Nintendo DS or something. It was pretty popular with other kids if I remember correctly.
If you had the chance to talk to Woodrow, what would you tell him?
You can’t wake up if you don’t fall asleep.
Red shirt and teal pants: Bode, Black cowboy boots: Stylist’s own vintage
Green fleece jacket & grey track pants:
, Blue T-shirt: Stylist’s own vintage, Yellow socks:
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Posted Jan 16, 2024

        Jake Ryan   in Wes Anderson’s    latest film   Asteroid City          Photography Laerke Rose Mollegaard Stylist Rika Wantanabe Interview Stella Hoffer…






Art Director




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