La Asombrosa excursión de Zamba a través del Mapa Bicontinental

Klaus Borges Vaz

Video Editor
Video Post-Production
DaVinci Resolve

Zamba's Amazing Bicontinental Map Excursion

Animated special

2022 - 20 minutes

Production: El Perro en la Luna
Directed by: Cecilia Atan
Aired on: Canal Paka Paka
Animatic editor and post-production
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The award-winning children's series Zamba's Amazing Excursion embarks on a new adventure. Zamba embarks on a journey to Antarctica to explore new regions of Argentina.
I played a crucial role in bringing this special episode to life, handling essential post-production tasks that were instrumental in the overall quality and impact of the animation. As the animatic editor, I meticulously crafted the animatics, ensuring a cohesive and engaging visual narrative that aligned with the director's vision. Additionally, I handled post-production tasks, overseeing the final stages of the animation to ensure a polished and visually appealing product.
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