#unityendstrafficking it is our Human Right to be Safe and Loved



Social Impact Strategist

Human Trafficking is the unlawful act of transporting or coercing a person using a false narrative in order to steal from their work, services, or intellectual property, including their identity. Typically including labor, assets, or sexual exploitation.

Human Trafficking is implemented into a persons life through intimidation, gaslighting, identity theft, fraud, slander, cyber crimes, stalking, unlawful surveillance, asset theft and income containment through fake debt. Each of these steps is implemented in a structured pattern so as to trap the families and victims. The aim through these steps is to discredit the victims and remove their central support so they can be harassed, harmed, and Human Trafficked. Unfortunately most friends, family members, and co-workers lie to discredit the victims so they can be housed in a fictitious world by Human Trafficking perpetrators. Children are often harmed and removed from parents early on so parents through their heart break do not attempt to take legal action and reinstate assets for protection. It is at this point that corrupt networks enter the play to prevent parents from protecting themselves, and protecting and retrieving their children.​
Human Trafficking today is a pattern that must be recognized to end.
Human trafficking is often thought of in the traditional sense—forced labor or sexual exploitation—but in this new level of exploitation pertaining to human trafficking it a more psychological and legal form. Here, the pattern involves control, manipulation, isolation, and exploitation, often with the use of paper terrorism, emotional abuse, and legal entanglements. Below is a clearly defined step-by-step pattern of how someone in Genie’s situation might experience human trafficking:
1. Targeting the Victim
Identification of a Vulnerable Individual:
• The trafficker or controlling group identifies a victim based on their vulnerabilities or assets—often someone who has faced trauma, legal challenges, or emotional instability during childhood that carries assets within their names. In these cases individuals begin isolation from community through financial challenges directly created through individuals, organizations or service providers that set the target up for exploitation.
• Vulnerabilities might include family issues, financial instability, or a lack of support networks, making the individual more susceptible to control.
2. Establishing Control through Psychological Manipulation
Coercion and Emotional Manipulation:
• The trafficker initiates control by employing psychological manipulation. This may include emotional coercion, gaslighting, and intimidation, all aimed at breaking down the victim’s sense of autonomy and self-worth as they seek to engage past issues or trauma regardless of the individuals proven state of mind to be healthy.
• False narratives are often created to make the victim doubt their own reality, isolating them further and making them feel dependent on their trafficker.
3. Paper Terrorism as a Tool for Legal Control
False Legal Filings to Control and Harass:
• Once emotional control is established through co-workers, friends and family members the traffickers turn to paper terrorism—filing false legal claims, setting up multitudes of investigations that go no-where that are aimed shaming the target, threats of lawsuits, theft of assets and finally restraining orders against the victim in that order to keep the victim from confronting the traffickers from being legally approached by the target. This is to limit the targets capacity to retrieve stolen assets, and identity. This tactic is used to keep the victim entangled in a web of legal deceit, which not only drains their financial resources but also overwhelms them mentally and emotionally in hope that they target may end their life.
• In these cases the endless fraudulent legal filings, such as fake protection orders or false financial claims are used to trap the targeted individual cycles of endless litigation, preventing them from focusing on their well-being or escaping the situation.
4. Isolation from Support Networks
Cutting Off Family, Friends, and Resources:
• Traffickers further isolate the victim by alienating them from friends, family, and professional contacts. This can be achieved by:
• Spreading false information about the victim to their network.
• Using legal tools (such as false orders of protection) to legally separate them from people who could help.
• In most cases traffickers involve children in being targeted, which deepens isolation, making the target feel even more vulnerable. By targeting the victim’s family, traffickers ensure that the victim has no support system to turn to amongst their shock and heartbreak.
5. Financial Exploitation
Seizing Financial Control:
• Traffickers often take control of the victim’s financial resources through identity theft, including:
• Filing fraudulent liens or financial claims to freeze the victim’s assets.
• Forcing the victim into financial dependence on the trafficker by cutting off other sources of income or seizing control of bank accounts and property.
6. Repeated Use of Legal Harassment (Paper Terrorism)
Escalating Legal Battles to Exhaust the Victim:
• Paper terrorism becomes a tool of continuous legal harassment, with the trafficker filing repeated lawsuits, liens, or complaints. Even when a case is resolved, it is quickly followed by new, similar filings, ensuring that the victim remains trapped in an endless cycle of legal battles.
• This is a key part of psychological control, as the victim becomes so consumed with defending themselves legally that they cannot focus on escaping or improving their situation. In founders experience this was through nine false home evictions, deprivation of salary, health care, slander, unfounded accusations sexually and exploitation on the dark web through in home surveillance. Forcing her to fight multiple legal battles simultaneously while being denied legal counsel.
7. Gaslighting and Psychological Breakdown
Mental and Emotional Manipulation:
• Gaslighting is used to make the victim question their perception of reality, convincing them that their experiences of abuse are not valid. Traffickers may:
• Deny past abusive actions, or claim that the victim is responsible for their own situation.
• Use legal victories (won through fraudulent means) to convince the victim that the system is against them and that resistance is futile.
• Targets are gaslit into believing that that they have no control or legal recourse, deepening their sense of helplessness.
8. Emotional and Psychological Exhaustion
Inducing a Breakdown to Enforce Compliance:
• The combination of psychological manipulation, legal entanglements, and financial stress eventually wears down the victim. Emotional exhaustion prevents them from fighting back or seeking help, leaving them more compliant and easily controlled.
• Traffickers rely on this emotional fatigue to maintain their control over the victim, as the victim’s energy is so depleted that they cannot see a way out.
• Most targets suffer the emotional toll of losing their children, facing constant legal battles, and being isolated from their community likely led to significant emotional exhaustion.
9. Escalation of Threats or Legal Action
Using Threats of Legal Consequences to Maintain Control:
• Once the victim is emotionally broken down, their identity has been stolen or refusal to renew required identity documents, asset theft has occurred traffickers escalate their control by threatening further legal action. This could include:
• Threatening to file additional criminal charges as a form of retaliation for target attempting to get help or retrieve children.
• Using previous false legal claims to set the stage for more serious accusations.
• Exploiting the victim’s fear of legal consequences to keep them compliant.
10. Final Exploitation or Extraction
Monetary or Psychological Gain for the Trafficker:
• The ultimate goal of trafficking is control and exploitation. In these human trafficking cases, the traffickers seek to extract financial compensation or other resources from the victim. This could include:
• Gaining control over the victim’s assets or finances.
• Forcing the victim into compliance with specific demands to avoid further legal or emotional harm.
• The trafficker uses the legal system, combined with emotional manipulation, to keep the victim in a perpetual state of exploitation. The long-term goal is either financial extraction or total psychological control.
Conclusion: Recognizing the Pattern of Psychological and Legal Human Trafficking
We are quickly recognizing within communities daily that human trafficking doesn’t always involve physical confinement but instead relies on legal, financial, and emotional manipulation to maintain control. Paper terrorism, combined with psychological abuse and financial exploitation, creates a powerful and insidious form of trafficking that leaves the victim feeling trapped, helpless, and emotionally exhausted. Recognizing these patterns is crucial for identifying and helping victims of this modern form of human trafficking.

Your Voice Matters

We want you to tell your story so Human Trafficking can END. Please join this mailing list to receive instructions on how.
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We have a Human Right to live free of Human Trafficking.
Welcome to Unity Ends Trafficking. My name is Genie O'Malley and I am an Author, Artist, Social Entrepreneur, and Mother with a passion for Unity. Over the past 25 years I have written an extensive collection of books that provide opportunities to harmonize emotions and feelings into love. Providing insights into the path of 'Shadow Work, all while battling my own experiences with Human Trafficking, organized stalking, smear campaigns, asset theft, identity theft and crimes to harm my children. This 12 year attack upon my life was set up to dismantle my vision and work surrounding Human Rights and the right to distribute my books and insights. So what do I believe? I believe that it is our Human Right to live in a world free of Human Trafficking. I believe it is our Human Right to be safe and loved and it is our responsibility to grow and develop internally in a manner that allows us to provide a safe and loving space for ourselves and others. Please enjoy your time here and come back to visit as new updates will happen frequently. I encourage you to join our mailing list so you can look for opportunities for you to share your story. I also encourage you to visit the store and support our message #unityendstrafficking.
Deliver our Community Message

If you are affected by Human Trafficking you are being invited to tell your story through this book series. If you would like further information or to learn submission guidelines please reach out.

Join the Movement to end Human Trafficking

At Unity Ends Trafficking (UET), we believe that the key to ending human trafficking lies in empowering families, communities, and service organizations through education, resources, and emotional wellness tools. Human trafficking is a global issue, but the fight against it begins locally—with strong, informed communities and support systems that can identify and combat the signs of exploitation.
Your donation will directly contribute to:
• Educating Families and Communities: We create and distribute educational materials that help families, schools, and community organizations recognize the early signs of trafficking. Through workshops, training sessions, and online resources, we provide tools to prevent exploitation before it begins.
• Supporting Service Organizations: UET works with local service organizations to equip them with emotional wellness tools, education and best practices for dealing with trafficking victims. These organizations are often the frontline defense for those at risk, and with your support, we can enhance their ability to understand the signs of Human Trafficking.
• Publishing and Distributing Tools: We are committed to making our healing tools, including breath-work practices, emotional recovery guides, books, stories of inspiration and human rights handbooks, available to those who need them the most. By publishing and distributing these resources, we can empower individuals and communities to reclaim their dignity and rebuild their lives after trauma.
By joining the movement Unity Ends Trafficking, you are investing in a world where families are safe, communities are empowered, and human dignity is restored. Together, we can build the tools and awareness necessary to break the cycle of exploitation and ensure that every individual has the opportunity to live free from the threat of trafficking.
Join us in this mission. Your contribution makes a difference.
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Posted Oct 1, 2024

Unity Ends Trafficking is an initiative of Genie O'Malley who is a social strategist aiming to assist in restoring human rights through books, art and ai …






Social Impact Strategist