This time of year represents movement, youthful expression, optimism, and endless possibility. Nike Summer Event: Sport Resort , harness the energy of this moment and invite consumers to emerge into summer feeling inspired and equipped for non-stop movement.
Art + Design Dawn Yanagihara, Tracy Khiew, Paris Fox• Narrative Natalie Holme, Jonanna Widner • Production Therese Rothfelder•Photographer Dan Belieu•Stylist Mindy Le Brock •Set Design Ian Salter • HMU Rika Shimada • Movement Coach Lauren Schramm
5 days of sport, court, and vibes.
Inspiring consumer with a creative concept centered upcoming summer activities and sharing excitement for the season ahead.
Summer Hoops
Visual Deliverables
Intentional off-to-on platform touchpoint maximizing on organic and paid traffic.