Beauty standards nowadays are source of discomfort for the Youth

Khouloud Ben Elkemel

Blog Writer
Historically speaking beauty standards were shaped through cultural and geographical influences. Where each era was considering beauty differently..
Elusive and unrealistic beauty standards, why ?
The fact that our century molded beauty standards in a way that seems elusive is obvious enough. Such change ocurred due the rise of globalisation and the immense expansion of social media. It feels like these standards are dictated by sociatal norms. Reaching a point where such idealism is unreal and harmful on individuals.
How can we protect ourselves from not falling into the trap of obssession with standards :
Since we all get that perfect images of a perfect body shape, beautiful face and hair; from social media.. Then one must be aware of whom to follow such as unfluencers. Do not forget what we see is not necessary true, some tend to show themselves only at perfect states. Also when it comes to brands choosing their models it is no doubt they would be using a perfect image. However if you know whom to follow you would be feeling less pressured. As there are individuals who use their plateforms to celebrate imperfections and promote self acceptance.
Yet social media in the last years shifted more towards breaking the image of idealism in beauty standars :
It is fair to say that social media played a pivotal role into reshaping beauty standars. This is thanks to influencers and digitals influercers role into challenging unrealistic beauty ideals. This was possible by sharing unfiltered images and talking openely about their imperfections. These acts were able to unfluence other individuals.
Beauty is within our hearts !
Ultimately it is fair to say that the journey toward beauty is personal one before anything else. We must learn to embarace a more positive view of ourselves. Because our worth is not related by an appearance but it’s embeded in our character and our hearts.
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