Protect Your Teen

Leo Moneymaker

Audio Editor
Motion Designer
Video Editor
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

What is Protect Your Teen? 📘

Protect Your Teen is an online legal document preparation service that streamlines the process of preparing the necessary documents to protect your child in medical emergencies once they become a legal adult on their 18th birthday.
As my first professional client after graduating from college, I was excited to flew my skills by giving this brand a Multimedia makeover!

What Was My Role? 🤓

As a Multimedia Designer, my job was to make Protect Your Teen's service accessible to its customers on all digital platforms under one one cohesive brand aesthetic. May tasks included...
Redesigning the website landing page.
Building a style guide that would evolve with the brand.
Writing, filming, and editing a promotional video.
Producing an explainer video series that would guide the customers through each step of the service.
Producing an overview Explainer Video that summarized the service into simple steps.

Explainer Video 💭

Concept: An Explainer video to summarize the process laid out in the 9-episode explainer video series that customers unlock with their subscription.
Time Frame: 10 hours.

Promotional Video 🚀

Concept: A Promotional video to introduce the brand and service of Protect Your Teen.
Time Frame: 12 hours.

Leo put my business on the map with professional design and comprehensive explainer videos.

Ryan Stewart Owner


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