Grddit (reddit clone) : Responsive Social Media Website : MERN

Mahmoud Mostafa


Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer





Description :

Grddit is a social media platform inspired by reddit, include profiles, communities, posts, live chat and timeline, to demonstrate my ability to build complex social media platform and building real-time interactions, and dynamic content management

Features Provided

Seamless, Infinite scrolling experience for browsing posts in timeline from communities user join them or created by him
real-time chat between users
Community-based posts, containing unique posts
Community membership as user can join communities match his interests
Customizable Avatars and Banners for users and communities
Dedicated Post Pages include Nested comments for discussion and voting system for content and comments

Challenges and technical stack

Main stack is MERN Stack
React : to handle frontend, building reusable UI Components, Manage State efficiently and client-side routing
Node.JS : for backend and provide a provide robust server-side environment for the application’s logic and APIs
Express.JS : a Node framework used for develop simple and efficient routing and API management
MongoDB : for storing data like posts, comments, user profiles and data with using Mongoose ODM library to provide object-oriented way to interact with MongoDB
To manage the HTTP requests in the frontend I used Axios
For a complex state managements across components on the application I selected Redux to manage global application state and ensuring predictable data flow
To add some animations to enhance user experience and visual appeal I used Framer Motion library
For routing in the app and manage different URLs dynamic and static, React Router was the best option to handle routing and navigation
Implementing Live Chat between users was challenging due to the need of persistent connection between client and server, was the best solution for seamless real-time communication between client and server
For the need to Secure Authentication and Authorization for access protected resources, I used JSON Web Token (JWT), and encrypt sensitive data with Bcrypt
To handle Images, avatars, banners I used Cloudinary for storing and managing media files and Multer for handling the file uploads

Preview :

Screen Shots
2- Video

Summary : What I Can Provide To You

Grddit demonstrate my ability to build and deliver complex, scalable and user-friendly platform, Here’s how this project translates into value for your business
Custom Platform Solutions tailored to your needs
Responsive and Intuitive User Interface using latest UI libraries
Scalable Backend Architecture
Secure and Reliable Platforms
Dynamic Content Management like tools for manage posts, comments and media
Community-Centric Features ideal for niche audience
Optimized Media handling
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Posted Jan 27, 2025

Grddit is a social media platform inspired by reddit, include profiles, communities, posts, live chat, to demonstrate my ability to build complex platforms






Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer





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