A new path to product success – introducing Launch by NTT DATA

Steve Peele II


Different by design. If I had to sum up Launch by NTT DATA in three words, that’s how I would do it.

Our mission is simple: strategize, ship, and scale great software that is aligned with meaningful business outcomes. We’ve seen too many organizations discourage risk-taking amongst the C-suite, and as a result, countless fantastic products and services never get to market. At Launch by NTT DATA, we don’t shy away from risk. On the contrary, we help our clients embrace it. Once we help identify the right risk to take, we roll up our sleeves and help them do it.

Launch by NTT DATA guides our clients through the entire innovation lifecycle, from ideation and research to rapid market entry, to growing market presence. Our cross-functional teams provide continuity throughout this process, making our ideas and designs feasible and delivering software that people love to use.

Launch by NTT DATA may be new, but the expertise behind it runs deep. We are privileged to combine the talents of five market-leading firms — Nexient, Vectorform, Postlight, Umvel, and Sierra Systems — as well as two internal groups, NTT DATA's Modern Apps and CX practices. All have long histories of building amazing products, and we've gathered a group of kindred spirits who love working with clients to create great digital experiences.

Every question we ask, working session we host, and iteration we make is based on us being an all-in partner that will:

Introduce new revenue streams

Expand our client’s reach

Improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their product development process

Identify worthy investments

Build foundations for an innovation engine that gets a continuous stream of products and services into market quickly and smoothly

We like to say we’re pragmatic visionaries because we’re passionate about combining big ideas with our practical Aim-Engage-Grow framework. We’re hungry for clients who will challenge us on a daily basis — and who will let us challenge them. We’re passionate about helping our clients transform into disruptors with the very best products and experiences, plus the excitement and energy that go along with them.

There is no assembly line at Launch by NTT DATA, no one-size-fits-all recipe for success, no cookie-cutter advice. Our work begins with intense discovery so that we understand our clients’ challenges as well as they do. From there, we work to push our clients forward by helping them discover and validate new business models and opportunities to deliver products at platform-level scale. We purposefully challenge the status quo at each step because we know what a growth mindset is and what it takes to continually bring winning products to market that drive top-line revenue.

For some, this seems like a "good" time to be timid, a wallflower that can patiently wait for the storm to pass. We're not for those companies. Our clients understand they must continually take smart risks, and we're honored they choose Launch to be their go-to product and platform innovation partner. Take a moment to learn more about

what we do

, and then let’s talk about building something amazing for you.

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