There is no feeling that beats the wholesomeness of true love; where two hearts beat in sync. Two hearts becoming one! Love is pure, divine, constant as the stars above, soothing like a cold bath on a summer’s day! Love is all that matters, and when you find it, you find the only invaluable treasure there is! Matt and Mel found this priceless treasure the day they found each other and it has been a tale of peace, joy, and hearts on fire ever since! Before they found each other, Matt and Mel were up and about; working, socialising, and doing everything in their power to escape the loneliness in their hearts. They knew they needed more than their regular friendship, they needed a connection deeper than deep, one that would make their world go round. They needed LOVE. In their quest for love, Matt and Mel decided to try speed dating. Fun fact, Matt and Mel were sort of forced by friends to go for the event. In fact, both had their tickets bought for them! The speed dating event was held on the 6th of February, 2019, at Jade Buddha in Brisbane and it was life-changing! Matt and Mel were so nervous that night that they did not talk to anyone for a good part of the event. They knew what they wanted, but they had to settle themselves and endure other people. Mel already had her eyes on Matt but had to go through a plethora of questions from other people to get to him. Finally, when she did, the event began to look alive. Matt ticked all her boxes almost immediately. And in two minutes, they were able to laugh, talk, and smile like teenagers. Love took root in their hearts that night, like fire shut up in their bones, they could not contain themselves!