Development of an IoT Healthcare System for Evolving User Needs

Dasarath G


Embedded Systems Developer

Fullstack Engineer

Software Engineer




• I built an IoT backend for user & device management using the Gin-Gonic framework in Go, MongoDb & MariaDb amongst other routine tasks like debugging, writing reports and helping develop new features in Flutter.
• I also built a dashboard and assisted in debugging algorithms for activity detection using smart meter data API from TaiPower company.
• Recipient of the Taiwan Experience Education Program scholarship & Desh-Videsh Scholarship and my work at the company formed the basis of my undergraduate thesis which was well received.
The ever-increasing variety of platforms and the need for seamless connectivity have highlighted the necessity for portable IoT systems that can operate across multiple platforms, unconstrained by specific networking sources. In sensitive environments like hospitals, where patient data security is of highest value, it is essential to deploy a system that is not reliant on commercially available platforms and instead leverages private, confidential servers. This project addresses the challenges of accommodating users and the integration of commercially available healthcare products into an all-in-one system that monitors patient health and activity and is scalable across various IT platforms, ensuring data privacy and security throughout.
Additionally, the project explores the potential of a dashboard which was rolled out to 250+ users and received commendable remarks. It offers insights into electrical usage within homes, using specific metrics as the basis for monitoring. This dashboard provides valuable information for homeowners to optimize energy consumption and promote sustainable practices.
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Posted Mar 3, 2024

I built a backend for user & device management using Go. I also built a dashboard and algorithms for activity detection using smart meter data from TaiPower.






Embedded Systems Developer

Fullstack Engineer

Software Engineer




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