Muhammad Ijlal Haider

Muhammad Ijlal Haider

Web Developer
Visual Studio Code
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        <h1 class="hello">I'm M Ijlal.</h1>
        <h2 class="hello2">a web developer</h2>
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          <img class="ijlal-img img" src="images/Ijlal Haider-modified.png" alt="ijlal's picture">
          <h2 class="hello3">Hello.</h2>
          <p>I'm Muhammad Ijlal Haider, hailing from the charming town of Layyah. Recently, I proudly donned the cap of Software Engineering graduate, <span id="moreText" style="display: none;">courtesy of KFUEIT Rahim Yar Khan.
             In a world of codes and algorithms, I embarked on my journey, where the art of turning ideas into digital marvels became my passion. Layyah's serene landscapes have been my backdrop,
             inspiring my creative flow as I crafted lines of code. Now, armed with knowledge and zeal, I'm set to write the next chapter of my digital adventure.</span> </p>
             <p><a href="#" id="readMoreLink">Read more...</a></p>
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          <h2 class="hello3">My Skills.</h2>
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            <img class="profile-img extra-class img" src="images/computer.png" alt="computer img">
            <h3>Design and Development</h3>
            <p>At the tender age of 16, I dove headfirst into the world of coding, driven by a dream of creating my very own games. <span id="moreText" style="display: none;">As time flowed, I gathered a treasure trove of wisdom, honing my skills in crafting and coding web applications. 
              Like a painter with a canvas, I sculpted virtual experiences.</span><a href="#" id="readMoreLink">Read more...</a></p>
<br>          <p> <span style="color: #11999e; padding-left: 16%;"> console.log("Code empowered me to turn dreams into digital reality.");</span>
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            <img class="profile-img right-img img" src="images/downloadjpg.jpg" alt="img"> 
            <h3>Extra skills</h3>
            <p>Beyond software engineering, I excel in time management, thrive in team dynamics, and communicate with finesse. On the field, I'm a force to be reckoned with – a skilled badminton and football player. <span id="moreText" style="display: none;">My college and university teams have celebrated victories under my wing,
               making sports not just a hobby but a testament to my teamwork and dedication.</span> 
            <p><a href="#" id="readMoreLink">Read more...</a></p>
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          <h2 class="hello3">Get In Touch</h2>
          <h3>Are you developer and intersed in Discussion </h3>
          <p class="contact">Then find me on given mail. We set to geather and talk about code and Drink a cup of tea☕.</p>
          <a class="btn" href="">CONTACT ME</a>
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        <p class="copyright">© 2023 Muhammad Ijlal Haider.</p>

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