Camden Town is known to be a ‘land of the free’ in London, a place where you can be whoever you want and not be judged for it. With the pandemic, it’s one of the few places that managed to keep its spirits high, in spite of all things bad.
Photo of Camden celebrity punk @zombiepunk4
Camden is the home of punks and it shows!
Zombie Punk is one of the most famous ones around and he loves having his picture taken. He is posing in this one, seconds before giving out his Instagram handle to collect photos from admirers.
Known for its endless choices, Camden food market is still open- ish. Take-away food can be bought, but not consumed in the place. You don’t really have sitting spaces around, and the only place to sit and enjoy food or drinks is the canal.
Depending on the weather and time of day, the canal can get super-busy or empty like in this image. Known as such a landmark, tourists and locals alike are crowding the place whenever the weather allows them.
With closed restaurants and pubs, this is a very common sight in many places that are well known for their large variety of food choice, including Camden Market.
With six people now allowed to meet outside, social distancing has become a bit of a joke, especially in crowdy places full of six-people groups.
As most seating areas are closed, this, too is a very common sight around circulated markets. Sitting and eating wherever is a practical, if not necessarily comfortable, way of spending time with friends in Covid times.
Camden’s partying spirit has not been lost on Covid. People still enjoy showing that they like having fun, and in spite of what is happening, they like putting a smile on everyone’s face.
From fancy restaurants to ‘greasy-spoon’ places where you can eat cheap, like in this picture, Camden has tasty options for every budget.
Preparing to reopen the outside area, business owners in Camden have been cleaning and getting everything ready for the big day.
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Posted Feb 20, 2024
A photo-essay on the way COVID has impacted Camden