Currency-conversion mini-app

Kobi Stamker


Currency Converter App

This JavaScript application allows users to convert currencies using real-time exchange rates. It utilizes the Free Currency API for fetching currency data and exchange rates.


Clone the repository to your local machine. Open index.html in your preferred web browser.
Alternatively use live site:


Upon loading the application, you'll see the base currency set to USD and the target currency set to EUR by default.
You can click on the base or target currency buttons to change the currencies.
Use the input field to enter the amount you want to convert.
The exchange rate between the base and target currencies will be displayed.
You can also search for specific currencies using the search input field.
Click on the currency list to select the currency pair.
Click on the swap button to switch the base and target currencies.


Real-time currency conversion using exchange rates from Free Currency API.
Interactive UI with options to select currencies and enter conversion amounts.
Search functionality to easily find currencies.
Automatic update of exchange rate and conversion result upon currency selection or amount change.


Free Currency API: Provides currency data and real-time exchange rates.

Feedback Request

Seeking feedback on:
Code structure and readibility.
UX and UI design.
Responsiveness issues.


This project is for educational purposes only and not licensed for commercial use.
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