Mike Sheldon
The eOceanic App is a comprehensive cross-platform sailing application, it provides professional raster charts, combined with marked object locations, a warning system, navigational assistance and a vast, searchable, database of in-depth information on routes, harbours, bays and havens around the UK and Ireland.
I developed the app from scratch using Qt, C++ and QML. I also developed a number of backend services in PHP, to synchronise data with the server and manage subscriptions via Stripe and Apple in-app payments.
The app runs on Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux, all from the same code base. Users can run the app on multiple devices and their data, logs and boat information is kept synchronised between all devices. They can also share their logs online, including live logs which allow people to follow their sailing progress in real-time.
The app combines data from multiple different sources (tides, weather, sea conditions and object/rock locations) to provide sailors at sea with comprehensive safety information and guidance.