Test Prep Pundits {Website Development}

Manoj sharma

Web Designer
Web Developer
WordPress Dev

Created A Custom Type Ecommerce Store For the User. And As Per their Needs !



Test Prep Pundits Provides SAT ,ACT or Coaching to their Students And Provide Solutions For Expensive Coaching.

  • Briefly describe the purpose and goals of your education-based e-commerce website.
  • Mention the target audience and unique selling points.
  1. Technologies Used:
    • List the technologies you employed, such as custom CSS, HTML, WordPress, and any other relevant tools or frameworks.
  2. E-commerce Functionality:
    • Explain how the e-commerce functionality works, including features like course selection, payment processing, and user accounts.
  3. Responsive Design:
    • Emphasize the importance of responsive design, showcasing how your website adapts to different devices and screen sizes.
  4. Animations:
    • Highlight any unique or eye-catching animations you've implemented to enhance the user experience.
  5. Customization with CSS:
    • Describe how you utilized custom CSS to tailor the appearance of your website, ensuring a distinct and visually appealing design.
  6. WordPress Integration:
    • Explain the role of WordPress in your project, emphasizing how it contributes to the overall functionality and management of content.
  7. Challenges and Solutions:
    • Share any challenges you faced during the development process and how you overcame them. This demonstrates problem-solving skills.
  8. Results and Impact:
    • If available, include any metrics or feedback regarding the performance and impact of your website.
  9. Future Enhancements:
    • Discuss any potential future enhancements or features you plan to add to further improve your project.

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