Walking through the space, Li plays with a variety of media that defy immediate interpretation, crossing boundaries between two- and three-dimensional, fact and perception. The assumption that we ‘know’ what an object is, how the narrative is unfolding, and even the historical accuracy of their context are called into question. Placed together, pieces from Li’s “pic” series are carefully color coordinated and paired with pieces from his “unknown” and “pm” series, as if we are combing through some obscure system of classification. While the works from “unknown” and “pm” present a more fixed, archival presence with their film and painted silicone, they are harshly juxtaposed by the kinetic nature of “pic”. Layered with mesh over aluminum stretcher bars, images of everyday life in Li’s Tribeca apartment overlaid with images from the gardens of Northern China Li left behind, now move, bend, and contort as wooden clubs push and pull from behind the surface of the artwork. The act of documenting and truly knowing a place becomes fluid, complex, and even ghostly as we enter into Li’s personal act of remembrance.