SALTY CLUB / Arg and Spain

Lara Borzone


Video Editor


Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro


I am Lara, Co-Founder of this unique Club, and a Photographer and Filmmaker from Buenos Aires, Argentina. In this creative world I’ve submerged myself I found a way to express myself, but most importantly, I found a way to discover who I am and what I’m passionate about in this life, the ocean.
I’ve discovered we all have a story to tell, a message to spread that can make this world a little bit better. The Salty Club was born to encourage women to leave all their fears and doubts behind and become who they want while connecting all together from our love for the ocean, surfing and nature. A place where you can find your own voice and all those things that turn your soul on fire and express them freely to the world.
Welcome to our Salty world, full of adventures, time in nature, tones of waves and amazing people that will walk with you every step of this incredible experience.
Besides all the administrative tasks I have while running this club, one of my biggest toles is the content creation of them, capturing every experience we have at our retreats and on our daily basis, sharing our story and expanding our community to all over the world. With every video and picture I create I try to share the messages and lessons we learned while spending time in the ocean, hoping one day, will help someone to take a step forward towards their dreams.
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Posted Aug 14, 2022

Salty Club is a club for surfer girls where we teach, share and transmit our passion for surfing and the sea.







Video Editor


Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro


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