Podcast production

Phila T Shidi

Podcast Producer
Video Editor
Video Producer
Final Cut Pro
Logic Pro

A Podcast that I co-produced and edited that consists of 17 episodes and is currently going through it's digital rollout on it's second episode, this information may be changed in the future. The theme of the podcast is creatives who have changed the cultural landscape in Johanneburg and their experience on this specific road they all started their careers in (Cnr Juta & De Beet, Braamfontein, Johannesburg).

Full length Youtube episode shot in 1080p and mult-screen edited by Phila T Shidi. Client requested color scheme and format used for current page. There is also a color version that was not approved.

Snippet content for full length Youtube episode, each episode has 21 byte sized sharable content shot in 16:9 ratio applicable to be shared on all social media platforms. Client (Host) wanted to go with B&W and this font/color for animated captions.


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